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ACL Surgery Recovery - Week 23 (I AM LAZY!)
November 16th, 2003
Laziness has set in. I have been preoccupied with moving into my new condo and planning my vacation to NYC over the past month or so, I haven't even set foot in a gym for almost 3 weeks. That said, my knee is doing pretty well. It did not hurt at all during the moving of heavy objects into my new place. I had a lot of help for moving though so I wasn't straining myself too much. However, I have noticed that my knee doesn't particularly enjoy the cold weather. I was at Bryce Canyon Nat'l Park last week where there was snow on the ground. My knee started aching a lot when it was not particularly active and was cold. However, after walking around and warming up my joints , it was OK. This sucks, I feel like an old man. My coworker says I have a "grandma knee" now - pretty funny.
Speaking of snow, I walked really carefully on it but I slipped a couple of times w/o incident. I think the fact that I can take some spills w/o any damage is a very very good thing.
I danced on my knee the other day, and it felt pretty good. I'm not talking regular stand there and swing your arms around dancing, but furious breakdancing. I was going about 60% and I could do almost everything I was able to before except crazy moves where I risk falling on the leg. I think it's under control now. My leg still pops though.
Hopefully i'll hit the gym soon. I don't think i've lost much flexibility, and walking long distances is no problem. I'm satisfied.
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