New York City Stock Photography - All Images Copyrighted by Peter Tsai

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Rockafeller Center Gold Statue

Atlas Statue

New York City View

M Hotel near Times Square

Times Square

Chinatown China Town

Whole Foods Market

NY Taxi Cabs - Triffic

New York City View - USS Intrepid

New York Traffic - Buses Port Authority

Waterfront - Manhattan Bridge from Brooklyn

New York Macy's Day Parade - Turkey Float

Central Park rocks

United Nations Assembly Hall

UN General Assembly

John Lennon memorial

Ground Zero Memorial \ Construction Site

United Nations Anti-Violence Sculpture Art

Times Square at Night - Loews Theater

The View from the Empire State Building Observatory

The View from the Empire State Building Observatory

Empire State Building View

Leaves Changing in Central Park During Autumn

Group of Four Trees Sculpture - Jean DeBuffet

George Washigton w/ Bird - Wall Street

Cleopatra's Needle - Central Park - New York

Shiny Steel Globe in Columbus Park - Near Trump International Hotel

Street Performer - Yogi and Contortionist

Group of Four Trees Sculpture - Jean DeBuffet

Street Performer - Yogi and Contortionist

American Flags Hanging from the New York Stock Exchange