Otters holding hands
Sitting in Vancouver right now... so in honor of me being here - this video was taken at the Vancouver Aquarium. it's really cute.
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Sitting in Vancouver right now... so in honor of me being here - this video was taken at the Vancouver Aquarium. it's really cute.
I am feeling old school today - even though I wasn't alive when these songs were made, I still love them.
The Bee Gees - To Love Somebody
The Carpenters - Yesterday Once More - Karaoke Style!
Across the Universe - haha the Beatles were hippies. I really liked this song when I first heard it but I didn't really know what it meant. Today I still don't understand completely, but it's very soothing and makes you feel like you are part of the universe.
Let it Be - this song has some hippie overtones too - if you listen to the lyrics.
No matter how weird they are, gotta love the music.
I'll be there - Live
Locking - check out Michael's sick locking \ spins \ robot dancing
here's a really long jam style performance from Marvin Gaye.... this guy was seriously talented.
Why is this guy so happy all the time now?
Still an amazing singer.
Elliott Smith video from the Good Will Hunting soundtrack. Awesome song, Elliott Smih was a very depressed guy though and died shortly after.
Watch the crew on the right. 2 of the best French Bboys out there doing their thing.
This is as close to becoming the music as I have ever seen.