Tiger Woods + Wii
I'm pretty amazed by this video and how the wii remote reads the actions of the player so responsively. gotta love the Wii. 3 weeks after getting one, I'm still playing it every day.
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I'm pretty amazed by this video and how the wii remote reads the actions of the player so responsively. gotta love the Wii. 3 weeks after getting one, I'm still playing it every day.
This isn't a TV on the subway... these are the actual signs that are outside of the train... hundreds of them spaced perectly so when the train goes by the riders see a movie. It reminds me of the flipbooks I made as a kid
These guys are crazy! If I had to make a cheesy description of them, i'd call them part Cirque du Soleil, part Chinese Acrobats, part bboy, all ACTION. err yea - something like that. These guys do some pretty amazing stuff. I wonder where they are from. Check out especially the parts where they are jumping through rings. INSANE!
Yes you can! Some awesome action set to one of my favorite songs. Bicycle kicks are really hard to perfect... these are just amazing!
Cuba gooding Jr doing some 90's, windmills, and some tight toprocking. this man has some energy!
This is what bboying is... raw, creative, and back to basics without all of the fancy power moves (gymnastics type moves). Check out the footwork, especially from the 2nd dancer... bboy Born from Korea.
Happy Lunar New Year! to celebrate I will post a couple of amazing Chinese lion dancing videos! These guys work hard!
Hilarious! This is the game I was waiting for :)
Shaolin Monks are awesome
this kid is supposedly 4 years old